Monday, March 4, 2013

Family, friends, and memories.

So sorry for the Delay, two weeks ago we were traveling, as you know, and last week emilee was sick (just a cold, no need to get worried!), so this entry is a bit overdue.

Anyway, two weeks ago we traveled to Vermont and Rhode Island to visit family and Emilee got to meet a wide range of extended family!  We ended up having a mini family reunion at my grandmother's house in vermont!  My uncle Tom showed up with his girl friend and her two foster kids, my aunt Dawn and her husband showed up, my cousin T.C. and his wife and two boys showed up, my cousin Stephanie and her little daughter showed up, and then there was my mom, sister, and grandparents! Phew!  It was certainly a housefull!  All in all there were 6 young children there, including Emilee.  It probably had to with me being so tired at the end of the day, but as I sat there in the living room watching the chaos, I had the thought that I really don't like kids that much! LOL.  Don't get me wrong, I love Emilee dearly and on an individual or limited basis and I liked all the kids well enough, but put all of them together in one room, man what a headache!  I am certainly not one of those people to have childcare in my home!  I know a lot of people have the assumption that if I have kids I'm a good choice for a babysitter, but honestly, just because I have a daughter and I love her, does not mean I have any desire to watch other children. Anyway, here is a generational photo we got while there. :)

After Vermont we headed to Rhode Island to visit my sister and her in-laws and meet her little boy.  We almost didn't because her little boy was sick the first part of the week, but he was on the mend by thursday we we kept our origional plans to go visit them.  It was a lot of fun to finally see her again!  It's been nearly 4 years!  So strange to think about doesn't FEEL like it's been that long, which just makes the number even more surprising, but, with her and her husband moving to MA and My husband and I moving to CO, we just kept missing each other. Here is a pic of my mother holding my little nephew!  He is almost 2 months old in this picture and already the same size as Emilee!  He's a big ol boy!  Cute as a button though and I'm really glad Emilee will have cousins close in age to her. :)

Overall, Emilee was a great little traveler.  She slept well at the hotel and my grandmother's house and generally only needed one nap time to get familiar with a new place.  She didn't fuss to much in the car and was really well behaved when visiting people. She also became more aquainted with her pacifier, lol, but she was still as happy as ever so it was all good. :)

Anyway, the monday after getting home, Emilee had a really runny nose, red eyes, and a slight cough, so I took her to the walk-in care just because I wanted to know what I could do for her.  They told me she had a cold, and that there was nothing I could do.  A lot of help that was!  But, I did learn that she had lost weight since her last appointment. I had been wondering for a while if my milk supply was decreasing because she was only eating about 5 mins on each side and then refusing it and fussing, but she was still pooping and peeing and was happy so I had just assumed she was eating faster.  Once I found out she had actually lost weight, I decided to try and boost my supply with a Fenugreek supplement and pumping to see if that would help, and I added another feeding into her daily schedule.  I've only been doing it for a couple days but she already is eating more and is not just happy, she's giggly!  Ooo my poor baby, I feel so awful that she was getting less than she should have, but, that's always been one of my annoyances with breastfeeding, you really have no way of knowing how much they are eating at a time!  If she has not gained back most or all of the weight by her next appointment (2 weeks), then I might consider supplementing with formula, but that's a last resort at this point.  I also learned from other friends about putting a drop or two of essential oil in her vaporizer to help with congestion, which has really helped I think. :)  She still has a bit of a cough, but only coughs occasionally and is much more alert and rested durring her wake times. :) I am dealing with a tickly throat and runny nose now, but hopefully I can keep a full blown cold at bay with vitamin C and lemon water. :)

At the end of this past week my brother-in-law and his wife brought their little boy over to visit and we got some super cute pictures with them together! It's been a busy two weeks but I love the memories we are making! That's what's really important in life; family, friends, and memories. :) Here's Emilee with her other little cousin!

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