Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fevers, toes, and hair OH MY!

      So, I don't typically do new years resolutions, but occasionally I do try to impose a new habit on myself (like the year of pictures album).  This year, I am going to try to post at least one blog entry a week. :)  Since last week's blog entries focused on times past (Emilee's birth and our time in colorado), I'll write about last week's events. :)

      My life as a stay at home mom is made up, primarilly, of moments of intense focused attention and patience, and moments of boredom and innactivity... with a few moments of productivity thrown in too. lol.  It can be hard to get much of anything productive done when you only have 40-60 minutes at a time in which to nap, get dressed, eat meals, etc.   I know some super moms who are able to get all kinds of things done while baby sleeps but so far I've mostly been so exhausted I'm lucky if I get one or two productive things done in a day...not including taking care of baby.  I'd say it's a pretty productive day if it ends with her well fed, well napped, and contented.

      But anyway, last week, Emilee had her first fever.  She had been fighting something for a few days before, runny nose, watery eyes, more fussy than usual (and she is not typically a fussy baby), but wednesday night she was MUCH more fussy than usual and she felt hot.  I took her temp and it was 101.3!  High, but apparently not TOO high for babies and not too uncommon either.  It was around 8:30 at night and all the stores in my town close at 9.  By the time we decided to run to town and see if we could find some baby tylenol, it was about 8:45.  It takes 15 minutes to get to town...so, if you do the math, we would either get there right in time, or just barely too late.  It was the later. :-/  We checked the gas stations that were open, but they only had childrens ibuprofen, which our daughter was not old enough for (She was going to be 4 months old that friday).  So we came home, treated her with a cool wash cloth and put her to bed. The next morning her temp was 100 on the dot and hovered around there all day.  We called the Dr., but he said not to treat the fever unless it went above 102, so I just tried to keep her as comfortable and hydrated as possible. She pulled through just fine, by friday her temp was back to normal, but poor baby did not have a fun time.  That was the sadest thing I think, seeing my normally happy giggly baby just placidly lying on her play mat staring at me.  It truly makes you feel helpless to know your child is sick and relying on you, and you can do nothing but ATTEMPT to make them comfortable.  It just reminded me once again of God's control and soverighnty and made me that much more thankful for his care.  HE holds all things together, not me.  Thank goodness!

     It took a few days, but eventually Emilee was back to her usual giggly/talky self. :)  She is SUCH a cute baby and SO social! And she loves her toes!  As soon as I take her socks and pants off, PING, the toes come up and into her hands! Haha...it's kind of overwhelming how cute it is! I don't think I've ever seen anything so overwhelmingly cute...kittens have come close...but Emilee totally tops them!  Her eyes have still been a little watery and her nose a little runny, and today she seemed a little extra fussy, so perhaps she is now fighting off a cold (tis the season and there are 4 other people in the house, 2 of which spend all day at school!), but even in the midst of not feeling well, even when she had her fever, she is remarkably good humored!  You could tell, when she had her fever, that she was uncomfortable, but she still gave grammy and daddy grins and laughed at the dog and even when she was fussing, she wasn't crying.  She even still went down for her naps well and ate well.  I am just continually amazed and grateful for how agreeable she is.  God is deffinately good!

      Anyway, other than that, my husband and I had a date night on Saturday.  I had gotten a gift certificate to get my hair cut for christmas, so I used that saturday morning.  I figured it was a good time, since I'd have a place to go later with my new 'do'. :-p  Interestingly enough, the hair dresser asked me if my hair was naturally curly.  Now, this is interesting, because it's not.  At least, I was not born with naturally curly hair.  I have been noticing a bit more curl to my hair lately and I told my mom I thought it might be getting more curly, but she didn't believe me.  Then, when the hair dresser asked me that and told me I had some "serious curl" going on at the back of my head, it was like confirmation of what I was noticing!  I read an article online while I was pregnant about pieces of other people's DNA attaching to our own, most commonly durring pregnancy (at least that was the most common instance in their study).  It kind of makes sense...mom and baby share so much accross that placenta....and I'm pretty sure Emilee will have curly hair.  It's just very interesting to me and I'm eager/curious to see just how curly my hair will get.  Anyway, I gave the hair dresser a few minor directives and then told her to just "do what you think looks good."  She gladly took up the challenge and cut and styled it according to her own ideas. :)  I think it looks pretty good no?

      My husband and I went to eat at Margarita's restaurant, a mexican cuisine place.  I had been thinking about going there all week.  The food was as good as I remembered, but I think the prices went up! :-/  When we left there we went to the movies to see what was playing and when.  We were GOING to see either Les Miserables or The Hobbit, but both were starting late and both were almost 3 hours long.  Being parents of a 4 month old, we value our sleep! lol.  So, we went to the cheap seats and saw Rise of the Gaurdians, an animated film about Jack Frost!  Heh, guess it's already started! We'll be watching animated films from now on for the next 10+ years.   My husband and I both like animated films though and Rise of the Gaurdians was actually a very funny and interesting movie. :)  We don't regret the choice at all. :)  The evening was a lot of fun and a nice treat to spend those hours with just my husband. :)  God has certainly blessed us abundantly and I am so grateful. :)

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